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  • June 10, 2017 2 min read

    At least since 1932 Colorado has been a part of motorsports. While not as well known as some other states - California or the Carolina's - Colorado has hosted many SCCA nationals, some professional Indy and NASCAR events over the years - and many amateur events with participation including almost all of the national marque organizations.

    Where in Colorado one might ask? Over 14 locations through the years:

    Denver Sable Speedway-
    3.3 mile long opened  early 1900's

    DuPont Speedway - Denver Co - May 29, 1932
    May have been the first asphalt track in the U.S.
    The track was once located 5 miles North/East of downtown Denver on Brighton Road, and operated from 1932 - 1941.

    More recient tracks:
    Continental Divide Raceways - Castle Rock - *
    Century 21 - South East Denver - *
    Stapelton Raceway - East Denver -*
    Second Creek - East Denver -*
    Pepsi Center - Street Course - Denver - *
    Steamboat Springs Street Course - Steamboat Springs - *
    Englewood Speedway - * 2801 W Oxford Ave
    High Plains Raceway - East of Denver - Open
    Aspen Colorado SportsTrack - Aspen - Open
    Pike's Peak International Raceway - Fountain Co - Open
    LaJunta Raceway - North LaJunta - Open
    Pueblo Raceway - Pueblo West - Open
    Breckenridge / Aspen - Street course - New 2017

    There were / are also the speciality tracks like Bandimier, Lakside Raceway and Colorado National Speedway, but we'll keep this to major paved and road tracks.

    The above are just a few locations - others were typically a dirt or clay based oval track and used by modifyed and similar cars.

    In upcoming articles we'll be reviewing each and giving a brief history of them over the years - if you know of something not listed, no matter what the configuration, let us know..